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Join Our Healing Ministry Team

The Order of St. Luke


The Order of St. Luke is an ecumenical ministry of Christian healing founded 70 years ago and is active at St. Simon's parish today. This ministry of anointing, laying on of hands and prayers by lay and ordained ministers is available to anyone present at St. Simon's Sunday service or anyone who requests this at their home or hospital bed. Those in church need merely come forward to the altar rail after the 8:00 am or 10:00 am service has ended. Prayer ministers are merely instruments through which His power flows. Healing is an important part of Christ's ministry. He intends it to be part of his disciples' work. God heals through spiritual, physical, and psychological means using medicine, surgery, doctors, therapists, touch, and prayers. He desires us to be whole and healthy.

Healing prayers are offered at our Wednesday Evening Healing Service which meets each Wednesday at 6:30 pm.

For more information, please check out their website. 

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